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Useful Stepfamily Acronyms


BD = Birth Daughter

BF = Boyfriend

BIL = Brother-in-Law

BM = Birth / Biological Mom

BP = Birth Parent

BS = Birth Son


CA = Custody Agreement

CO = Court Order

CP = Custodial Parent

CPS = Child Protective Services

CS = Child Support


DF = Dear Fiancé 

DH = Dear / Darling Husband

DIL = Daughter-in-Law


EOW = Every Other Week

EOWE = Every Other Weekend

Ex = Ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-partner 


FH = Future Husband

FIL = Father-in-Law

FTSM = Full Time Stepmom


GAL = Guardian Ad Litem

GF = Girlfriend


HC = High Conflict

HCBM = High Conflict Birth / Biological Mom

HCP = High Conflict Person / Parent


MIL = Mother-in-Law


NCP = Non-Custodial Parent

NSMR = Not Stepmom Related


PAS = Parental Alienation Syndrome


RO = Restraining Order


SAHM = Stay-at-Home Mom

SAHSM = Stay-at-Home Stepmom

SD = Stepdaughter

SF = Stepfather

SIL = Sister-in-Law

SK = Stepkid

SKID = Stepkid

SKIDS = Stepkids 

SM = Stepmom

SO = Significant Other

SS = Stepson

STBX = Soon To Be Ex

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